
Computing & Making Across the Curriculum

Lander-Grinspoon Academy is embarking on a new initiative that will focus on the development of new knowledge and skills in the areas of computing, physical science and engineering (CSE). The initiative will also develop and support teacher capacity to deliver new CSE related subjects and activities such as computer coding, engineering design and more. Technological literacy today encompasses skills such as computer coding, communication, collaboration, creativity, computational thinking, design, invention, problem solving and cultural fluency. Technological literacy also fosters better understanding and critical thinking across the curriculum in Jewish studies, social studies, math, science, art, music and more. New applications and environments for using computers together with a variety of resources and tools can ensure students develop the mindsets and skillsets needed to succeed in the world of tomorrow. Access to and engagement with various computing devices for both students and teachers can enhance and transform traditional methods of teaching and learning. Tablet computers enable students to work individually and collaboratively at different paces accessing various information sources to develop new knowledge and skills. They also enable new teaching methodologies that can reach students at different levels while freeing up students and teachers to utilize class time for more challenging and engaging learning activities and projects. As we move from simply being users of computers to technological literacy we hope to enable students and teachers to use technology to design imaginative solutions to the real-world problems they may confront now and in the future. A major outcome of the computing, science and engineering initiative will be the establishment of a new project-based learning laboratory or “maker Space” at LGA. LGA students and teachers will have access to the Maker Space throughout the day and after school including both scheduled and free time to work on class assignments or independent projects of choice.

To learn more about the LGA initiative Download and Read the LGA CSE Plan.